Gift Card
This product is a physical gift card that will be mailed to the Shipping Address on your order. It will ship via FedEx separately from any other merchandise on your order. Expedited shipping options are not available for these gift cards. Please email customerservice@duckhead.com with any questions.
Terms & Conditions:
Valid at duckhead.com. Not redeemable for cash unless required by law. May not be used toward purchase of additional gift cards. Nonreturnable. Not replaceable if lost, stolen or damaged; however, any value remaining may be voided and transferred to a new card by presenting original proof of purchase. Duck Head is not responsible for unauthorized use. Void if altered, resold or transferred for value. Gift cards do not expire. No dormancy or other fees. For questions, please call Customer Service at (833) 254-7830. Gift cards are issued by and represent an obligation of Oxford Industries, Inc.